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About Us

Team Members:

Henry Liu

Anuj Jain

Jake Magee

Justin Chae

Tarun Gunampalli

Team Member Roles:  

Henry Liu - Captain, Main Programmer, Engineer

Anuj Jain - Programmer, Engineer

Jake Magee - Engineer

Justin Chae - Engineer

Tarun Gunampalli - Engineer

Our History:  

365X was formed in the summer of 2016 by 5 students who had previously competed in the VEX Robotics competition. The organization is student-led and student-run, but could not be possible the families of each of our members. We aspire to not only be successful in competition, but also to form new connections and reach out/give back to our community.

Left to Right - Tarun Gunampalli, Justin Chae, Henry Liu, Anuj Jain, Jake Magee

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